Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Google sites a good way to market yourself?

Increasingly employers are turning to the online world to get a better feel for prospective employees. You frequently hear about people not getting/losing their jobs as a result of what they post on sites such as Facebook and MySpace. As a result one has to wonder if posting information such as CV's and teaching portfolios online is a good or bad professional move.

Personally the fact the employers are venturing online to retrieve prospective employee information indicates to me that using online resources in a positive manner can only give a leg up in the job market. I realize that people possess many different opinions on this issue though, so feel free to share your thoughts.

Based on the reason stated above and because Google Sites has an easy to use interface, I have elected this service to host my new CV and teaching materials site. I started creating the site today, and once I get a bit more done I will post the link here to get your feedback. Until we meet again...


  1. I want to do that to Derek, but how much that reaches fruition- I need to wait and see :)
    but yea Good Luck with yours :)

  2. I cant decide. I am sort of uncomfortable with having everything online for anyone to view - but on the other hand, I want to stay abreast of hiring trends, thats for sure! Maybe my answer lies in restriction of my page?
    Thought-providing topic, for sure!

  3. Jacquelyn, one probable solution could me : anything that looks to per a personal opinion, personal information, makes sure thats not open to all. Its bets to avoid having it online anyway.
    Other than that anything that shares information, facts, ideas and encourages collaborations, networking can very well go into the public domain for public (including the hiring ppl) to have a look.
