Monday, March 15, 2010

Lecture Capture

I have spent a bit of time over the past week or so thinking about how I could best use lecture capture. I have settled on two applications that I plan to implement in the coming semesters.

First I am going to create a lecture capture review module that students can access before each exam. I think this will benefit students who are unable, do to scheduling conflicts, to attend our regularly held review sessions.

I also think I am going to do some short lecture captures that will introduce certain problems that students in lecture will be working. These lecture captures will allow me to float around the room and assist students with questions as the problem is being introduced. In addition, I can replay the capture if students miss important information. This feature saves me from repeating myself, which really gets on my nerves at times.

I am very excited to try out online learning in the next component of the course. Next week I will share my thoughts from the National American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco.